To view in fullscreen, right click on top of the tour and click “Enter fullscreen.” To e
Purchase access or log in to view the Tour!

After you purchase access, come back to this page to login. You will receive a receipt via Paypal. You will also receive an email from the website. If you don't see it, please check your junk or spam folder.

After you login, you will be redirected to the Virtual Tour page.

Once you purchase the tour, you will be able to explore the museum for 24 hours. Access is priced at $5.50.

Email us at with any questions.

Please note, this is still a beta version of the virtual tour, and we are still working on perfecting it. It works on mobile, but is not completely optimized yet. We welcome your feedback to help make it better in the future, so please email us if you have any comments. Thanks for being one of the first to take our Virtual Tour!